The Juneteenth Organization of Wylie

Juneteenth Organization of Wylie is 501(c)3 non-profit organization that serves Wylie, TX in Collin County.

Mission: To create Art, Culture, Health, and Literacy events to educate residents and celebrate the Juneteenth National Holiday and its unique Texas history; and to offer other year round cultural events celebrating the diversity in the Wylie community. We seek to educate, support, and partner with the City of Wylie and its residents to bring more events focusing on diversity and inclusion of underrepresented groups within the City of Wylie.

Our Story

In 2020 several local Wylie families under the direction of Jacoby Stewart met in Founder's park with our barbecue grills for a spontaneous Juneteenth celebration. That small moment a year later led to the formation of the Juneteenth Organization of Wylie (JOW) and Wylie's Annual Juneteenth Freedom Celebration.

We are a small committee of dedicated Wylie residents who volunteer with our hearts, vision, and time to bring more cultural events to the City of Wylie that represent all its citizens. We are parents, educators, small business owners, retirees, veterans, and public service workers.

JOW is dedicated to supporting our community, educating through cultural events, and hosting festive celebrations that reflect the growing diversity in Wylie, TX.

We host year around arts & cultural event, but our biggest events this year is Wylie's 5th Annual Juneteenth Freedom Celebration.